Saturday, October 3, 2020


If listeners are lucky, there will be more collections to come. Lacrim - Jon Snow. Perhaps next time the Ministry will draw on the enormous expertise of Moroccan scholars, journalists, performers and aficionados to produce descriptive and analytical notes worthy of the beauty and complexity of the music. BANA Abderrahim bana, marrakech, riad, dekka, maroc. Chants du Rif Mohamed Boudrous [
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Abderrajim El Deek - Kelme Aatini. To this ensemble the Hmadcha add the harrâzî large single-skin clay goblet-drum held on one shoulderwhile the Jilala accompany their ceremonies with the bendîr and the qasba a long end-blown flute Schuyler The repertoire of the Jbala musicians, from the northwest of Morocco, is based on two genres: The performance starts with an instrumental introduction that presents fragments of different modes on which the composition is based. The reasons for this are numerous. Chants abdrrrahim Rif Mohamed Boudrous [ Naima Sisse Slawia - Chofni Wfhamni.

Ahl Touat Rachid Touati [ Finally, the documentation for these recordings is disappointing at best—extremely limited in scope and sometimes confusing or inaccurate.

Ayoub Nasri - Oumri. Les accents Africains Jamel Comedy Club.

abderrahim bana

Rkia Azrou - Ata Mayrikh. Furthermore, one must wonder why the two CDs are classified as basic rhythms in the anthology. RimK - Cactus.

Abderrahim Bana

Despite the good intentions of Mr. The music of the gnawa —characterized by the low percussive sound of the guinbri or hajhûi large three-stringed plucked lute with a rectangular-shape resonator and the qaraqeb —has evident connections with Sub-Sahara Africa, most notably in the call-and-response pattern of singing, pentatonic melodies and interlocking rhythmic patterns, and the sliding leather tuning rings and metal sound modifier of the guinbri.

Tflow - Thank You. One cannot really do justice to the entire anthology in abdrerahim little space, but here is a summary of the contents. Dadju - Escort.

Chants du Rif Sellam Mounes [ Tableau de la musique marocaine. Cheb Djalil - Nssayer M3ak Zahri.

Hussein El Deek - Kelme Aatini. Lbenj - Animal. The tbel and the ghaita are the principal instruments that accompany the songs and dances of the Aissaoua. Dada - Vortex. Ya warda mp3 file performed by el Fassia.

Abderrahim Bana - Ecoute et Telecharger music mp3 Album

Gnawa Ahmed Boussou [ The Gnawa —whose ancestors came from Sub-Saharan Africa to Morocco as merchants, mercenaries, or, principally, slaves—traditionally perform in all-night ceremonies lila in order to secure peace of mind and heal their followers. Perhaps next time the Ministry will draw on the enormous expertise of Moroccan scholars, journalists, performers and aficionados to produce descriptive and analytical notes worthy of the beauty and complexity of the music.

Saif Abd Aljabaar - Ya Rohe. The anthology was compiled under the artistic direction of Ahmed Aydoun, who supervised the recordings in consultation with various specialists. Sebastian Yatra Ft Beret - Vuelve. Chants du Moyen Atlas. Sia - Im Still Here. Aâbidat Rma CD 1. And thus all of a sudden they start to get into problems; there are problems with the tuning of the instruments, the tuning of the voice and thus we decide to change ….

The reasons for this are numerous. The performers, related to the bardic tradition of the imdyazn, accompany their singing with the lotar a plucked, four-stringed lute with a pear-shaped resonator covered with goat-skin.

abderrahim bana

Mohammed Diaa - Tahadro Fiya. Hala AlKaseer - Ayone Halft. Gharnati is a version of the Andalusian musical style, thought to have originated in Granada, Spain, and developed after in Algeria. A first but fundamental problem lies in the fact that although the genres presented in the anthology are, with few abdereahim, living musical traditions, these recordings were made neither in the field nor during live stage performances.

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Il n'oublie pas une autre culture puissante du Maghreb, la musique gnawa des descendants des Noirs africains qu'il transforme en fêt...